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Trucurile de slăbit pe care ar trebui să le știe orice bărbat de vârstă mijlocie. Recomandările unui expert

La 40 de ani, britanicul Scott Harrison era supraponderal și nefericit. Acum, la 51 de ani, a slăbit 19 kilograme, și-a înjumătățit procentul de grăsime corporală, lucrează ca antrenor personal, este expert în nutriție și scrie cărți de succes.

The main conceptual idea of the text is that it is never too late to improve your health and fitness, even in middle age. The article uses the success story of Scott Harrison, a man who transformed his health at 42, to illustrate this point. Harrison's journey shows that with dedication and the right approach, anyone can achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall well-being. He emphasizes the importance of making healthy lifestyle changes, including a nutritious diet and regular exercise, and encourages men of all ages to take charge of their health.

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